Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Unlock Huawei Modem E173u-1

As we already knew that Hauwei Modem Model e173u-1 cannot unlock permanently yet so this post will show you on how to unlock modem every time you plug into your computer with the fast way.

Tool needed:
1. Huawei USB Modem Model E173u-1
2. Huawei Temp Unlocking Application Ver 1.0, download here

Let's get start.....

1. Plug your modem into your computer and install driver, you don't need to install driver again if you already installed last time.

2. Run Hauwei Temp Unlocking Application, download from the link above.

3. The program will attempt to unlock your modem.

4. After waiting around few seconds your modem will be unlocked then you can close program.

5. Now your modem is ready to use with any SIM card.

Note: Keep in mind that model E173u-1 is cannot unlock permanently yet so every time you disconnect your modem from computer, you must repeat step 2 to step 4 again.

This tool can be unlock permanently with other model like E1750 as well.

Good luck.